How We Serve Our Fatherland

Ministerial Initiatives
We work with domestic and foreign partners to formulate
and execute protectionist, conservationist and development environmental policies that make our ecosystem thrive for Nigerians of today and Nigerians of the future

Ministerial focal points
Quality Environment
Securing a quality environment conducive for good health and wellbeing of fauna and flora.
Promoting sustainable use of natural resources.
Restoring and maintaining the ecosystem, ecological process and preserve biodiversity.
Public Awareness
Raising public awareness and promoting understanding of linkages of the environment.
Cooperating with relevant MDAs, the private sector, NGOs, and International organizations on environmental matters.

Our ministerial activities
Catchup with the daily events of our top management.

Patriotic Leadership
Principled environmental advocacy
In our collaborations with domestic and foreign partners, we are guided by the patriotic principles of the administration towards a better environment for Nigerians and our shared humanity with the world

“The inter basin transfer of water from Central Africa to the lake Chad should be taken seriously”
“The drying up of the Lake Chad had destroyed fish farming, animal husbandry and crop agriculture leading to social and economic dislocation with serious consequences for peace in the basin area.”
“I welcome The One Planet Summit Initiative that pledges $19 Billion to support the activities of the PAGGW which necessitated this very important engagement with you To trigger the process for accessing the funding by utilizing the GGW Accelerator window mainly to address: Land restoration & tree planting, Investment in small and medium sized farms, Develop climate resilience infrastructure, institutional framework to enhance security, stability and governance”
“Desertification in the north, drought in the centre, pollution in the coast are enough evidence for all to see, Nigeria is committed to net zero by 2060”
“Debt for climate swaps is a type of debt swap, where bilateral or multilateral debt is forgiven by creditors in exchange for a commitment by the debtor to use the outstanding debt service payments for national climate action programs“
“The creditor country or institution agrees to forgive part of a debt, if the debtor country would pay the avoided debt service payment in a local currency into an escrow or any other transparent fund and the funds must then be used for agreed climate projects in the debtor country“
Debt for Climate Swap “will increase the fiscal space for climate-related investments and reduce the debt burden for participating developing countries”. “For the creditor, the swap can be made to count as a component of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).” “There are of course significant policy actions necessary to make this acceptable and sustainable.”
“The environment sustain life and livelihood and touches everybody. We will prioritise collaboration, evidence based action, people’s participation and stewardship to ensure that our ecosystem is protected, preserved and conserved for current and future generations.”
“Our Energy Transition Plan aims to achieve net-zero by 2060 while developing new industries, improving the quality of life of all Nigerians, and creating thousands of new jobs.”
“The global energy transition must be inclusive, equitable and just, particularly for developing countries. This means accounting for diverse realities and accommodating various pathways to net-zero”
“As a continent, we must reject restrictive one-size-fits-all approaches and design transition pathways grounded in local realities and focused on the achievement of development priorities.”
“We must tackle the climate crisis in tandem with the many other pressing concerns including rising populations, poverty rates, security threats, energy paucity and other declining human development indicators.”
“The Federal Ministry of Environment is therefore poised to explore all options that are driven by our domestic realities and yet in tune with global benchmarks and best practices to ensure the development of a scheme that adds value to the environment, trigger bankable and commercial transactions which will ultimately generate jobs. ”

25 million trees in 3 years
Plant a tree before you balaga, Plant a tree before you are 60